A Convolutional Forward and Back-projection Model for Fan-beam Geometry


A CNN sequence to classify written digits

Wherefore ConvNets over Feed-Forward Somatic cell Nets?

Flattening of a 3x3 image matrix into a 9x1 transmitter

Stimulant Image

4x4x3 RGB See

Convolution Layer — The Kernel

Convoluting a 5x5x1 image with a 3x3x1 nub to get a 3x3x1 convolved feature
          Kernel/Filter, K =                    1  0  1
0 1 0
1 0 1

Movement of the Kernel

Convolution operation happening a MxNx3 envision matrix with a 3x3x3 Kernel

Whirl Operation with Stride Duration = 2

SAME padding: 5x5x1 mental image is padded with 0s to create a 6x6x1 image

Pooling Layer

3x3 pooling complete 5x5 convolved feature

Types of Pooling

Classification — To the full Affined Bed (FC Layer)

A Convolutional Forward and Back-projection Model for Fan-beam Geometry

Source: https://towardsdatascience.com/a-comprehensive-guide-to-convolutional-neural-networks-the-eli5-way-3bd2b1164a53

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